The operational expense of our temple is increasing regularly, which is usually shared by a limited number of our family members. It is estimated that the annual expense will be approximately Rupees two and a half lakhs per year and an expense of this magnitude cannot be handled without our generous help and support. The Board of Directors is requesting each and every one of you to donate as little as one rupee, two rupees, five rupees or as much you can afford per day so that it will not become a burden on a very limited number of devotees. Please fill in the attached Nithya Supporter Form and return it any of your Board of Directors.
Become Temple Nithya Supporter. Please provide the following information:

Name: ______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________
Telephone: ______________________________________________
Monthly Contributions:  Rs. 30 (   )  Rs.60 (   ) Rs.90 (   )  Other (   )
Your Signature: _________________________Date: __/__/____

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